Spark: A Hugo Theme for Researchers
October 14, 2018 • Hugo • 1 minutes to read • Edit

Hugo is a super fast static site generator with more than 500 contributors. Companies such as 1Password, Kubernetes and Cloudflare rely on Hugo to generate their documentation. Even this website is generated using Hugo.
There are a number of themes out there for companies, bloggers, and personal websites but I have yet to see one for researchers and PhD candidates. Introducing Spark.
Spark has been developed for researchers and PhD students by a researcher, it is fully SEO integrated. It has the following features:
- Responsive, uses UiKit v3
- Suitable for researchers, PhD candidates, personal website and bloggers
- Disqus support
- Google Ads support (Only for blogs)
- Google analytics support
- Inline CSS and JS, no need of cache bursting
- Uses SASS/SCSS, no NodeJS needed
- Can change the colour of the theme
- Education and experience data files
- Search index json file (with Algolia support)
- Custom sitemap with images support and a custom stylesheet
- Structured data for website and articles
This website uses Spark theme and you can use it as an example to build yours, the code for this website can be found at and the Spark theme can be found at
Happy coding!