Python CLI Utility Hugo
A CLI utility to download latest Hugo binary files, update it, and update cloud providers settings
Python CLI Utility Hugo
A CLI utility to download latest Hugo binary files, update it, and update cloud providers settings
Go cookiecutter
A Go language template for building command line interface made easy by cookiecutter
OAuth2 Azure AD B2C postman
Using Azure AD B2C in development with Postman
C++ Qt6
Adding custom widgets to QListWidget and deleting them on button click - child to parent communication
Go MongoDB
Writing MongoDB APIs in Go language made easy with a twist.
Master the art of gracefully shutting down your HTTP server with this in-depth comparison of three popular methods: Context, Channels, and SyncGroup. Evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and choose the best approach to ensure safe termination while preserving system resources and user experience.
dotnet Core CLI Python
There is no official way to remove previous versions of .Net Core SDKs in POSIX systems, this tool can help you with that. This tool can also be used in Windows.
A tutorial on using SLF4J with Apache Log4j in Java 8+.
Python Azure CLI
Use Azure Key Vault to set your environment variable using 'azsecrets' CLI tool.
Python Azure Django
Sometimes you don't want to use the settings for your production in a local environment and vice versa, this blog will help you with it.