Setting Azure AD B2C Authentication in Postman

Azure AD B2C has been so far good, mostly because of the 50k free user authentication 😇, also it just works. The problem I had using B2C with backend was acquiring and testing tokens in development.

Yes, Azure AD B2C has Resource Owner Password Credential (ROPC) flow that allows you to get tokens by just posting your username and password, but they don’t recommend it. Though, I have been using that locally to get the tokens.

With the new update of Postman (version 8+), it’s easy to set OAuth 2.0 based authentication.

So, let’s set it up.

Setup Azure AD B2C

Note: This article assumes that you have basic knowledge about OAuth 2.0 and Azure AD B2C

Before we get the tokens, we should tell Azure AD B2C that we want to authenticate using Authorisation code flow with Proof Key for Code Exchanged (PKCE).

At the time of writing this article, Azure AD B2C supports the following platforms:

  1. Web applications
    1. Web
    2. Single-page application
  2. Mobile and desktop application
    1. iOS/macOS
    2. Android
    3. Mobile and desktop application

For web applications you need client security code because as far as I have tested it, it doesn’t work with PKCE. I chose - Mobile and desktop application - because Postman is a desktop application. Let’s add a platform first:

  1. In Azure AD B2C directory, select - App registrations - from the left menu
  2. Under Owned applications tab, select your application.
  3. From the left menu, under Manage section, select Authentication
  4. Under - Platform configurations - click on Add a platform. This should open a drawer from right.
    Add a new platform
    select the - Mobile and desktop applications.
  5. According to their documentation, the callback URL should be -, add that and click Configure.
    Adding callback URL
    This will create the appropriate platform.
  6. Also, in the same page, under Implicit grant and hybrid flows, make sure Access tokens and ID tokens are ticked.
    Enable grants

Setup Postman

At this point make sure you know your endpoints for - authorize and token, mine is:

  • Authorize -
  • Token -

Let’s setup OAuth 2.0:

Go to collection setting, click on Authorization tab, and do the following:

TypeOAuth 2.0Type of authentication
Add auth data toRequest HeaderOnce an access_token is received, where do you want it to be placed

Configure New Token

Type NameAzure AD B2C AuthenticationThis is up to you
Grant TypeAuthorization Code (With PKCE)
Callback URL cannot be edited
Authorize using browserTick
Auth URL{{$randomUUID}}&response_mode=query$randomUUID generate a UUID V4 and the response should be URL query
Access Token URL
Client ID<your client ID>
Client SecretThis should be empty
Code Challenge MethodSHA-256
Code VerifierThis should be empty so that Postman can generate one for you
Scope<custom scope> openid profile offline_access
State{{$randomUUID}}$randomUUID generate a UUID V4
Client AuthenticationSend client credentials in body

<custom scope> is the scope you have defined in your Azure AD B2C application. For example, I have defined two scopes - and user.write, because these are custom you need to add them as a URL, in my case it is - Custom scopes are defined in the API Permissions section of your Azure AD B2C application.


Screenshot of Postman authentication setup


These steps should be similar to other OAuth providers. Do give it a try and let me know if there is a space for improvements. I hope this article helps you in your development.


  • 01/10/2023 - Added additional information about custom scopes
  • 25/08/2023 - Updated the article to reflect the change in authentication flow
  • New callback URL added